
01/03/2024 a 11/03/2024sending the Partial report of Activities and respective approval from the supervisorCovering the research period from September/2023 to February/2024
15/04/2024 a 13/05/2024Project submission periodUnicamp teachers and researchers
03/06/2024 a 24/06/2024Registration period for
Public secondary schools
10/07/2024 a 05/08/2024Registration for the XXXII Scientific Initiation CongressAll PIBIC-EM scholarship holders and volunteer students are committed to participating
19/07/2024Disclosure of approved projects for PIBIC-EM
26/07/2024Publication of the 1st Call for approved students
26/07/2024 a 05/08/2024Confirmation of interest of those approved in the 1st CallElectronic acceptance to confirm interest in the vacancy
09/08/2024Publication of the 2st Call for approved students
09/08/2024 a 14/08/2024Confirmation of interest of those approved in the 2st CallElectronic acceptance to confirm interest in the vacancy
02/09/2024 a 11/09/2024sending the Final report of Activities and respective approval from the supervisorCovering the research period from March to August/2024
10/10/2024Payment of the 1st installment of
new PIBIC-EM scholarships
06/11/2024 a 08/11/2024Organization of the XXXII Congress of Scientific InitiationXXXII UNICAMP Scientific Initiation Congress. All PIBIC-EM scholarship holders and student volunteers are committed to participating. The certificate of completion of the PIBIC-EM 2023-2024 program will only be made available after the event.

→ MARCH 2022

01 to 11 – Shipping of Partial report of Activities and the respective approval of the advisor, covering the period of carrying out the research from September/2021 to February/2022 by PIBIC-EM Scholarship Holders and Volunteer Students. All students who participated in the program for at least 3 months, during the mentioned period, have the commitment to send the Partial Report.

→ APRIL 2022

18 / 04 the 18 / 05 - Period of project submission by Unicamp professors and researchers for the new selection process referring to the quota effective from September 01, 2022 to August 31, 2023.

18 / 04 the 18 / 05 - Period of student enrollment by public high school schools in Campinas and region for the new selection process referring to the quota effective from September 01, 2022 to August 31, 2023.

→ MAY 2022

18 - end of inscriptions (projects and students) for the new selection process of the Institutional Program for Scientific Initiation Scholarships for High School for the quota effective from September 01, 2022 to August 31, 2023.

→ JULY 2022

04 to 25 – Registration period for the XXX Unicamp Scientific Initiation Congress. All PIBIC-EM scholarship holders and student volunteers are committed to participating.

08 – Disclosure of projects approved for PIBIC-EM.

29 – Disclosure of the result of the Selection Process – 1st Call for approved students.

29 / 07 the 08 / 08 – Electronic acceptance of the commitment terms by the scholarship holders selected in the 1st Call for confirmation of interest in the vacancy.

→ AUGUST 2022

12 – Disclosure of the result of the Selection Process – 2st Call for approved students.

12 to 17 – Electronic acceptance of the commitment terms by the scholarship holders selected in the 2st Call for confirmation of interest in the vacancy.


01 – Start of PIBIC-EM 2022/2023.

01 to 11 – Shipping of Final report of Activities and respective approval by the advisor, covering the period from March to August 2022, by PIBIC-EM scholarship holders and volunteer students. All students who participated in the program for at least 3 months during the mentioned period are committed to submitting the Final Report.

→ OCTOBER 2022

10 – Payment of the 1st installment of new PIBIC-EM grants.

25 to 27 – XXX Congress of Scientific Initiation at UNICAMP. All PIBIC-EM scholarship holders and student volunteers are committed to participating. The certificate of completion of the PIBIC-EM 2021-2022 program will only be made available after the event.

→ MARCH 2023

01 to 13 – Shipping of Partial report of Activities and the respective approval of the advisor, covering the period of carrying out the research from September/2022 to February/2023 by PIBIC-EM Scholarship Holders and Volunteer Students. All students who participated in the program for at least 3 months, during the mentioned period, have the commitment to send the Partial Report.

→ JUNE 2023

26 / 06 the 17 / 07 – Registration period for the XXXI Scientific Initiation Congress at UNICAMP. All PIBIC-EM scholarship holders and student volunteers are committed to participating.


01 to 11 – Shipping of Final report of Activities and respective approval by the supervisor, covering the period from March to August 2023, by PIBIC-EM scholarship holders and volunteer students. All students who participated in the program for at least 3 months during the mentioned period are committed to submitting the Final Report.

→ OCTOBER 2023

25 to 27 – XXXI Congress of Scientific Initiation at UNICAMP. All PIBIC-EM scholarship holders and student volunteers are committed to participating. The certificate of completion of the PIBIC-EM 2022-2023 program will only be made available after the event.