
The PIBIC-EM program is aimed at students enrolled in the 1st or 2nd year of public high schools linked to the East and West Education Boards (Campinas, Valinhos and Vinhedo), Limeira and Piracicaba.

The selection and enrollment, already in ranking order, of students interested in participating in the PIBIC-EM must be carried out exclusively by the schools.

Student enrollment and ranking

  • may be enrolled maximum 6 students per school, through the electronic form, available on the program's website, only during the annual registration period, usually in April and May.
  • The classification of students will be made by each school, considering the student's academic record. Therefore, nominations must be made in this order of classification: the first entry must be that of the first place and so on.
  • Each student's elementary school transcript (PDF file) must be attached to the electronic form at the time of registration.
  • In addition to the school transcript, it is mandatory to provide the numbers of the following documents at the time of enrollment: the student's CPF and RG and the student's mother's CPF.
  • The school may indicate a student who is already participating in the Program, as long as he meets the requirements of the Announcement. However, a place in the program/project will not be guaranteed.

Requirements and conditions for student registration

  • Be regularly enrolled in the 1st or 2nd year of public high school and be nominated by the school.
  • Not having an employment relationship.
  • Have school attendance equal to or greater than 80%.
  • Be available for 8 hours a week, on days and times to be defined by the project advisor at the beginning of activities (normally, 2 times a week in the afternoon), including the months of December, January (except for administrative recess) and July , as there are no holidays in the program calendar.
  • All participating students must comply with the health protocols in force at UNICAMP during the period of the program.

Student support

  • Monthly scholarship in the amount of R$ 300,00 (three hundred reais);
  • Extra board card to use the University Restaurant for 1 meal/day, except Cotuca and Cotil students who already have RAs;
  • Use of a UNICAMP chartered bus in Campinas, if available on the line;
  • Access to Libraries;
  • Access to medical and dental care services at the Community Health Center of UNICAMP – CECOM, in case of emergency;
  • Personal accident insurance; and
  • Certificate of participation for graduates.