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FAPESP announces new call with the European Research Council

Public notice will support projects developed by researchers from the State of São Paulo in collaboration with European colleagues.

FAPESP Agency – FAPESP announces a new call for proposals organized in partnership with the European Research Council (ERC), in articulation with the National Council of State Research Support Foundations (Confap).

To be eligible for the possibility of funding from FAPESP, candidates linked to teaching and/or research institutions in the State of São Paulo must meet the eligibility criteria and other rules of the Foreign Research Scholarship modality (BPE), which supports research activities at institutions abroad for up to 12 consecutive months.

The call will select collaborations by researchers from the State of São Paulo with researchers already supported by ERC grants. The ERC Executive Agency (ERCEA) will provide a list of ERC-funded principal investigators interested in having Brazilians join their research teams.

It will be up to the researcher from the State of São Paulo to contact the main researcher of the project financed by the ERC to verify the possibility of joining the research team, as well as to jointly define a work plan and related conditions.

Having established the conditions for the research internship, researchers from the State of São Paulo must send their proposal to Confap and also to FAPESP.

Proposals will be received until December 15th.

The call is posted at:

This text was originally published by FAPESP Agency according to the Creative Commons license CC-BY-NC-ND. read the original here.

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