CNPq Research Groups

Directory of CNPq Research Groups

CNPq's Directory of Research Groups is a database on scientific and technological research groups operating in the country, with information on human resources, ongoing research lines, knowledge specialties, application sectors, scientific production, technological and artistic and established partnerships.

Registration in the Directory of Research Groups of CNPq

To create a research group at CNPq, the director of the unit/center/nucleus must send an electronic message to the Dean of Research ( requesting the registration of the researcher as a group leader. The PRP will notify the director/coordinator as soon as the registration is made.

It is a condition for registration that the indicated leader is an active professor/researcher (PQ) of the Unicamp staff or a retired volunteer collaborator professor/researcher from Unicamp.

Once registered, the leader must access the Directory of CNPq Research Groups and create from the research group following the instructions available in the Directory.

Only groups with complete completion and no pending Lattes Curriculum can be certified by the PRP, observing the conditions established at Unicamp.

Conditions for certification of a research group at Unicamp

The PRP recommends that groups have broad lines of research and not just short-term work topics. The minimum conditions for certification of a research group at Unicamp are:

  • Lattes Curriculum of Lead Researcher updated;
  • Research group with updated information;
  • Research group with at least two researchers and two students.

It is suggested that groups with only one teacher and one student be incorporated into existing ones.

Automatic group deletion

A group is automatically deleted by the system after remaining more than 24 months without undergoing any update: a certified group that has not been updated for more than 12 months becomes a non-updated certified group and, after another 12 months, is automatically deleted. A deleted group can no longer be recovered. If the group is still active, the leader will need to register the group again.

Frequently asked questions

Access answers to frequently asked questions about research groups e group leaders.

Access the rest of the topics faQ .